Friday, October 29, 2010

Update on our son!

Last night I was thrilled to receive Nathan's foster report and a new picture of him, taken this week!  Here it is:

From the report:
Guo Xu is very happy to receive the camera from his US mother and father.  We told him he can take whatever pictures he likes so he can send the pictures to his American family.  He took the picture of fosterparents, his family while they were busy doing chores, watching tv, eating.  He even brought the camera to school to take photos with his classmates and teachers.  
When it is harvest time, he is very helpful to doing chores.  He helps to dry and stir the grains.  At school, he is doing much better.  On rainy days, mom will bring his lunch to school and he will share his lunch with his friends.  He is very hard working except his school grades.

Well, son, you won't have time to send us those pics because WE ARE COMING TO GET YOU NEXT WEEK!

This week has been nutso, running around, packing, creating my 'master calendar' for while we are gone, arranging rides to sports practices, playdates so the kids don't kill each other, and meeting with the ELL teacher and coming up with a plan for Nathan's education (as much as you can plan without knowing the child, that is...) 

6 days till we leave!


  1. You have got to be so excited!!! Everything will fall into place and you will have your boy in your arms soon!

  2. This is so great. I'm so jealous. Looks like we won't be meeting up in Changsha after all:( Too bad you couldn't stop by ICC and pick up our little sunshine. I love the photo and the report. I'll be watching your blog during your travel so hopefully you'll be able to write. If we don't speak, safe travels. Hopefully we'll have our TA before you leave.

  3. Can't wait to see him with you!

  4. He's so precious and has been in my heart and in my prayers for several years, as you know! Can't wait to see him meet his new family and begin this new part of his life's journey!
