Monday, November 15, 2010

Guangzhou stuff

This is a pic of our Lifeline travel group. Nathan is the oldest child being adopted- I think the next oldest is a 4 year old girl. You can see that several of the families brought their other kids on the trip. How we wish we could have done that! We think it would have helped Nathan with his transition to our family. Oh well, hindsight...

The last couple days have been spent doing things related to the US side of Nathan's adoption- meeting the medical exam requirements, applying for his visa to come to the US, etc. Yesterday, we had an excursion to the local multi-level shopping mall where I was able to pick up a few Christmas gifts. Nathan and Marc stayed behind as Nathan just seems to do better without too much sensory overload in the form of people, glitzy places, etc. We also skipped today's trip to the Botanical Gardens and instead just hung around near the hotel.

Tonight we met up with Ann, who was our guide for Grace's adoption. We have stayed in touch over the years and it is always a treat to see her when we come to China. She, her husband, and her son joined us for dinner tonight. Actually, I should say we joined them- they picked us up and took us out for a traditional Cantonese dinner at a restaurant that has been around for over 100 years. Cantonese food is very different than the food in Nathan's province, Hunan. Hunan food is very spicy, and Cantonese food is very mildly flavored. But it's all good! After dinner we went to a 'walking street' with shops. The place was packed with people on a Monday night, strolling and shopping. Nathan started getting squirrely almost immediately so we knew we were going to have to cut the evening short. He did very well at the dinner, however. I think it helped having Ann's 6 year old son there. Ann had brought Nathan some gifts, and both boys played with yoyos together after they were done eating. Also, we were eating in a private room so there was less to look at and be distracted by. Ann was very good at explaining things to Nathan as well. I think this helps him so much.

Gotta finish up- my clickety clacking keyboard is preventing someone from fallling asleep! I will post pics of today a bit later once Nathan is conked.
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