Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our last night in GZ...sniff sniff

Well, our time here is just about done. As happy as I am to be heading home and seeing the rest of my kids, it's always kind of sad to leave, because we never know if it will be the last time we ever see China. Hopefully, we will be able to return some day and bring at least our 3 from here so they can visit their birthplace.

This trip I feel especially sad to leave, as we were able to visit with our dear friend Ann quite a bit this week. We had so much fun with her and her family, and who knows if we will see them again?

Will post the last few photos from today in the morning if I have time, otherwise once we get home! All you praying folk, we would appreciate your prayers for safe travel, and for Nathan in particular since it is just about IMPOSSIBLE to imagine him on a plane for 14 hours! Also for our kids at home who may need some special grace getting used to their new sib!
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  1. Praying for you - have loved trekking with you via blogland!


  2. I will be offering many prayers. On a special trip to church this evening I will add intentions for you and your family.

  3. Sending MEGA prayers!! Hopefully all the excitement will catch for with him and he will sleep through out the flight home.
